Breaking News: Live Updates Of 2023 Turkish Election Results

7:30pm – With the polls now closed, the results of the 2023 Turkish Election are beginning to trickle in. So far, the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has won a majority of the votes, with estimates placing them at around 53%. The main opposition CHP is in second place with 27% of the vote, while the MHP is in third place with 14%.

8:00pm – With the majority of the votes now counted, the AKP has secured an even larger majority of 56%, while the CHP is in second with 29%. The MHP has been pushed into third place with just 13%.

8:30pm – With 97% of the votes now counted, the AKP has maintained its majority with 56%, while the CHP has increased its share to 30%. The MHP has been pushed further into third place with just 12%.

9:00pm – With 99% of the votes now counted, the AKP has secured a decisive victory with 57% of the vote. The CHP is in second place with 30%, while the MHP has been pushed further into third place with just 11%. The AKP has now secured a majority government and will remain in power for the next five years.

10:00pm – The official results of the 2023 Turkish Election have been announced. The AKP has won 57% of the vote, giving them a majority government for the next five years. The CHP has come in second with 30%, while the MHP has been pushed into third place with 11%.

Breaking News: Live Updates Of 2023 Turkish Election Results

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